20th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress 2018 9-13 September 2018
Liege - Belgium & Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Chairman: Prof. Mirek Kaminski (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Co-chairman: Prof. Philippe Rigo (l'Université de Liège, Belgium)
Information about the ISSC-ITTC Workshop is available here

Liege, Belgium and Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 2018. The congress is a forum for the exchange of information by experts undertaking and applying marine structural research.
The aim of the ISSC is to facilitate the evaluation and dissemination of results from recent investigations to make recommendations for standard design procedures and criteria, to discuss research in progress and planned, to identify areas requiring future research and to encourage international collaboration in furthering these aims.
Ships and other marine structures used for transportation, exploration and exploitation of resources in and under the oceans are in the scope of the ISSC.

Ships and other marine structures used for transportation, exploration and exploitation of resources in and under the oceans are in the scope of the ISSC.